Empire of the Sum pt.6

Todays blog post is some more Empire of the Sum The Rise and Reign of the Pocket Calculator, enjoy!

A Stainless steel variant of the original Pulsar watch from 1972

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, pulsar watch, pulsar time computer calculator

The Pulsar Time Computer Calculator

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, pulsar time computer calculator, casio mini 1972

The Casio Mini 1972 Calculator

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, casio ql10, casio calculator 1979

Casio QL10 Calculator 1979

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, texas intruments ti81,

Texas Instruments TI81

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, casio fx 7000ga, casio graphing calculator

Casio fx 7000GA

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, texas intruments, texas intruments ti 81, handheld electronic calculator

Texas Instruments TI 81

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, business oriented programming language

Demo program written in BBL business oriented programming language

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, apple 2 personal computer

The Apple 2 Personal Computer

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, visicalc program

IBM version of VisiCalc

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, atari's portfolio 1989, atari handheld calculator

Atari’s Portfolio 1989

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, nokia communicator 1988

Nokia Communicator 1998

empire of the sum, further reading index

Further Reading

empire of the sum, further reading

Further Reading

empire of the sum, further reading list, index

Further Reading

empire of the sum, keith houston

Keith Houston bio

empire of the sum, keith houston

Book Cover